Nov 28, 2013
Join us for a very special episode of the Comic Conspiracy as we celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who! We discuss our Doctor Who Secret Origins, the 50th Anniversary Special, our favorite episodes, and recommendations for new fans. Starring Ryan Higgins, Brock Sager, Toby Sidler, Charlie West, and Dave.
Nov 19, 2013
Small cast this week, but we make up for it with tons of topics, including Doctor Who in 3D, villain comics, digital comic sales, next-gen writers, new Vertigo comics, living with a non-fan, when to quit a comic, Valiant, Batkid, new DC Comics, Nightwing in Man of Steel 2, The Flash pilot, Preacher on AMC, and random...
Nov 12, 2013
Despite a faulty first recording and a 5 minute laughing fit we tried our best to edit around, we managed to actually discuss some comic-book related things this week, including first time Sandman readers, Sandman: Overture delays, DC's Five Years Later, the return of Captain Cold, the new soon-to-be-canceled-Ms....
Nov 5, 2013
Small crew this week, as we discuss Damian: Son of Batman #1, Forever Evil catch-up, terrible comic book storage habits, Pretty Deadly #1, the rise and fall of Green Lantern, X-Men: Battle of the Atom wrap-up, Mark Waid's digital-only Daredevil, Yahoo's article about comic speculators, new Asterix, and Sandman: Overture...