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The Comic Conspiracy

Marvel rules! DC rules! Or maybe they don't, depending on the week! From the producers of The Geekbox comes The Comic Conspiracy, a weekly podcast about all things good (and bad) in the four-color world of comics, hosted by Ryan Higgins, Brock Sager, Toby Sidler, and Charlie West. New episode every Tuesday night!


May 30, 2011

This week's topic include: Isotope Comics, Ryan's terrible memory, some Flash talk, War of the Green Lanterns (some major spoilers here), more comic book movie talk for the summer of 2011, DC's great reboot/renumbering, Geoff Johns and Jim Lee at Hero Complex Festival, comic book binding, the word "tertiary",...

May 23, 2011

Lots to talk about this week, including The Rapture, small comic cons, lots of listener e-mails, comic book movies, digital comics, boring retailer industry talk, big Marvel events, Batman and Punisher suggestions, how best to give your LCS money, racism in comics, Booster Gold, and Green Lantern: Secret Origin....

May 16, 2011

We've given birth to a new episode! Look forward to 18 years of us talking about the newest comic book fan, kids with superhero names, Legion of Superheroes, how to read crossovers, Flashpoint, the Smallville finale, Star Wars: Legacy, and DC's Invasion. Starring Ryan Higgins and Brock Sager.

May 9, 2011

We survived Free Comic Book Day to bring you this podcast! Join us as we discuss Free Comic Book Day, boring retailer talk, Daredevil (the comic and the movie), boring industry terms, lots of Thor talk (again, both comic and movie), Guardians of the Galaxy, and Avengers Forever. Starring Ryan Higgins and Brock Sager.

May 2, 2011

This week, we talk about getting into comics, comics in book stores, misunderstanding the word "tween", 100 Bullets, favorite licensed comics, Action Comics #900, a possible new JLA title, Brightest Day #24, Justice League: Generation Lost #24, Ryan's crazy Twilight of the Superheroes theory, J Michael...