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The Comic Conspiracy

Marvel rules! DC rules! Or maybe they don't, depending on the week! From the producers of The Geekbox comes The Comic Conspiracy, a weekly podcast about all things good (and bad) in the four-color world of comics, hosted by Ryan Higgins, Brock Sager, Toby Sidler, and Charlie West. New episode every Tuesday night!


Nov 19, 2013

Small cast this week, but we make up for it with tons of topics, including Doctor Who in 3D, villain comics, digital comic sales, next-gen writers, new Vertigo comics, living with a non-fan, when to quit a comic, Valiant, Batkid, new DC Comics, Nightwing in Man of Steel 2, The Flash pilot, Preacher on AMC, and random comic picks. Starring Ryan Higgins, Brock Sager, and Toby Sidler.