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The Comic Conspiracy

Marvel rules! DC rules! Or maybe they don't, depending on the week! From the producers of The Geekbox comes The Comic Conspiracy, a weekly podcast about all things good (and bad) in the four-color world of comics, hosted by Ryan Higgins, Brock Sager, Toby Sidler, and Charlie West. New episode every Tuesday night!


Nov 12, 2013

Despite a faulty first recording and a 5 minute laughing fit we tried our best to edit around, we managed to actually discuss some comic-book related things this week, including first time Sandman readers, Sandman: Overture delays, DC's Five Years Later, the return of Captain Cold, the new soon-to-be-canceled-Ms. Marvel comic, the failure of promoting new characters, some listener questions, and big Thor: The Dark World spoiler talk. Starring Ryan Higgins, Omar Brodrick, Jim Jokisch, Bryce Larsen, Toby Sidler, and Charlie West.