Oct 25, 2017
This week, we discuss Daredevil Season 3, Justice League run time, ComiXology, comic days, Swamp Thing, Action Comics #1000, Legacy backlash, The Jetsons, Punisher vs Justice League, Fantastic Four movie rights, Oz Effect, Maestro, and the Walking Dead Season 8 premiere. Starring Ryan Higgins, Jim Jokisch, Brock Sager,...
Oct 18, 2017
This week, we discuss having no idea how to record a podcast, the first two weeks of Marvel Legacy (including Avengers, Iceman, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Royals, Spirit of Vengeance, Venom, X-Men Gold, All-New Wolverine, Amazing Spider-Man, Defenders, Deadpool, Falcon, Unbeatable Gwenpool, Uncanny Avengers, and X-Men...
Oct 11, 2017
This week, we discuss the September 2017 Diamond Comics sales charts, Marvel and DC Comics news out of New York Comic-Con, Constantine, Batman: The Animated Series on bluray, Batman: Last Knight, Scott Snyder's final Batman story, Conner Kent returning, Milkman Man, Vertigo's 25th Anniversary, Runaways and...
Oct 4, 2017
This week, we discuss Chris Bunch's Secret Origin, DC's movie continuity, Batman: White Knight, Marvel Legacy & lenticular covers, most expensive comics we own, and full spoiler talk about Inhumans and Gifted. Starring Ryan Higgins, Chris Bunch, Jim Jokisch, Bryce Larsen, Brock Sager, and Toby Sidler.